
EssenceWork is a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing technique that gently resolves deeply rooted emotional issues. Directed by your Higher Self, this process energetically targets and releases unfavorable aspects hidden from your conscious mind. These aspects are genetically encoded within issues and are what hold stubborn issues in place. Results often unfold easily and gently without any effort on your part. This time-proven process acts as a catalyst for change.
For an issue to be resolved, it sometimes needs a laser-like action to activate a new paradigm, such as what occurs during NLP sessions. At other times, it is beneficial to do EssenceWork. During an EssenceWork session, areas of imbalance are resolved, so stubborn issues can gently and naturally fall away. This work is ideal for people who have been unable to overcome a problem no matter what they have done. This modality also works very well for children and is easy for them to experience.
EssenceWork Assists A Person To
EssenceWork Assists A Person To
- Abandon Negative Patterns
- Lift depression or feelings of uncertainty
- Increase enthusiasm and gain greater self appreciation
- Enhance Your Health and Well-being
- Experience Peace of Mind
- Feel more capable of easily manifesting core purpose
Shift Easily And Gently Into Higher States Of Consciousness

After EssenceWork, people report their enthusiasm and excitement for life is heightened. Some notice a "lifting of a veil" feeling. For others, there are major improvements.
One client wrote
"I feel like a better version of the person I always have been and have come to love. I have found myself accepting joy as a daily part of life and honestly could not stop telling people about this journey. My partner tells me daily that I'm the person he fell in love with again and how happy he is to see me enjoying life so much. This is a huge thing to me. I'm no longer repelling good things, but instead feel like a magnet for joy, hope, and experiences which lead to immense feelings of gratitude. ." Melissa L., Florida
One client wrote
"I feel like a better version of the person I always have been and have come to love. I have found myself accepting joy as a daily part of life and honestly could not stop telling people about this journey. My partner tells me daily that I'm the person he fell in love with again and how happy he is to see me enjoying life so much. This is a huge thing to me. I'm no longer repelling good things, but instead feel like a magnet for joy, hope, and experiences which lead to immense feelings of gratitude. ." Melissa L., Florida
Become A Magnet That Attracts Good Easily And Naturally

What comes to the surface at the time of the session are the layer upon layers of experiential baggage held in the person's mind that act like glue to hold the issues in place. As the process unfolds, the underlying issues connected with unfulfilling relationships, poor health, financial struggles, etc. clear out. Emotional baggage such as depression, stress, and low self esteem fall away and wisdom with a sense of freedom fills the space. This creates a magnet that attracts good easily and naturally. What is amazing is that there is nothing for you to do. No assignments, nothing. After I complete the EssenceWork, I share the results with the client. The results often unfold over weeks and months, opening the floodgates to health, happiness, and success. At times more than one session is required to deal with stubborn underlying issues.
How Does EssenceWork Differ From Other Energetic Healing Modalities?

Most energetic healing modalities rely on healing specific known issues the client brings to the practitioner. Traditionally, healing is provided through the absorption of energy. The client receives as much energy as they are capable of receiving and it goes wherever it is most needed in the body. EssenceWork has nothing to do what is needed in the body or with absorbing energy. Instead, it is a process that activates the innate memory of our consciousness on all levels–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Through this activation, each of these aspects remembers how to function in balance and harmony–individually as well as collectively. As the process unfolds, unwanted and unnecessary issues and imbalances dissolve.
EssenceWork is
EssenceWork is
- Gentle and non-invasive, with long-term results that unfold naturally over time.
- A modality that is particularly beneficial when you do not know what the issue is.
- Multifaceted and multidimensional in it’s complexity, allowing it to automatically bypass influences that could sabotage the positive outcome of the session.
- Beyond what the practitioner and the client can know.
- Does not come through the practitioner – the practitioner is not acting as a channel for healing energy. As EssenceWork is conducted by your higher self.
Making An Appointment

This form of energy work is done at a distance, so your physical presence is not required. A time will be set up to preform the session. Best results occur while resting comfortably or sleeping. Do NOT drive at this time. A time will be set up after Gary completes your personal EssenceWork session to talk on the phone. He will give you a brief summary, of the results of the session, including an overview of the imbalances that were cleared.